Quality Description


As supplied from the factory, including original packaging, accompanying accessories, and manuals. Some manufacturers test their models before packaging, so there may be very light traces visible on the wheels and/or contacts (for model railways).

As good as new

Pre-owned but in excellent condition, without any damage, and may have very light traces from test-driving on the wheels and/or pickups.

Very good condition

Pre-owned, with no major damage, and may have possible slight signs of use.

Good condition

Pre-owned, with normal signs of use.

Moderate condition

Pre-owned, decent signs of use, possibly missing parts or damage. See pictures. Exclusive models also cannot escape the test of time. Or have been used for what they are intended, play. If desired, we can completely restore the model for you. Inquire about the possibilities.

Bad state

Suitable for use as a parts donor or for restoration by skilled enthusiasts.

Some models are so rare that, even in poor condition, they hold significant value. If this is the case, you will find them in the appropriate section of our webshop. If desired, we can provide complete restoration services for the model. Please inquire about the possibilities.


New photos are taken for each item, and the photos you see represent the actual item for sale. Factory photos may be used for new or similar items when appropriate.

The photos used are an integral part of the quality description/designation.

Do you have questions? Send us an E-mail: info@premiumhobbymodels.com

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